David Pipe, Organ Concert


Redhill URC, 11 February, 2012

David Pipe is Assistant Director of Music at York Minster but returns regularly to his home town to play. An exceptionally full church provided evidence, were it needed, not only of his popularity but the continuing quality of his well planned concerts.

He opened with Widor’s Marche pontificale from the 1st symphony, which sounded at times rather heavy, if only because the instrument itself is now somewhat slow to respond. Any concern was, however, quickly dealt with and the following Sonata by Schnizer showed that the organ responds well to a lighter touch and gentler registration.

Two Brahms’ choral preludes, which followed, were ideally suited to the voicing of this organ with a warmth and clarity evident throughout.

Bach’s F major Toccata, BWV540, was given without its fugue but coupled to Arvo Part’s Pari intervallo. While looking somewhat uncomfortable on paper this made an impressive combination, the fire of the Bach reflecting the cool response of the Part.

For Liszt’s Consolation No4 David could have used a registrant, given the large number of changes needed, but he handled the piece with style and no loss of musicality.

He has regularly ended with Lefebure-Wely and this time was no exception, even if it was the other Sortie – the one in B flat!

All of this was enthusiastically received as was Bach’s air on a g string as an encore. Redhill are lucky to have David Pipe as a regular visitor and obviously value his visits.