Handel: Saul


The Sixteen, Harry Christophers

CORO COR 16103              73:36, 48:19, 40:44


Saul is one of the earliest of Handel’s oratorios and has not fared as well over the years, being remembered mainly for its funeral march. This is a pity for it is a magnificent score and here gets a superlative performance. Most impressive is the lightness of touch with Harry Christophers brings to the score. There is a high sense of dramatic action in process, with the clash between Christopher Purves’ Saul and Sarah Connolly’s David at its heart. Numbers are never rushed but there is a sense of inevitability about the narrative which carries us swiftly towards its tragic climax. Handel not only draws on the organ continuo to fine effect but includes a carillon for special effects.

The Sixteen have a strong vocal line-up with many soloists in the making, and bring vivacity and joy to their choral items. BH