Jean Gilles: Messe en re; Te Deum

Les Passions, Orchestre Baroque de Montauban, Choeur de chambre les elements, Jean-Marc Andrieu

LIGIA LIDI 0202246-12         

This is the third disc in the series following Jean-Marc Andrieu’s tireless work to re-establish Jean Gilles’ reputation as one of the glories of French Baroque. While the recording was made earlier this year in St Pierre-des-Chartreux, Toulouse, the first modern performance was given as part of the summer festival at La Chaise-Dieu, which is reviewed separately.

I have been an enthusiast for Jean Gilles since I was first introduced to his scores and this new disc is no less rewarding than the other two. The joy of the writing leaps from the page and is caught in the enthusiasm of both singing and playing. There are also some novel touches. The solo serpent can be clearly heard in the Te Deum and the voices parts constantly shift between soloists and chorus. There seems to be far less regimentation than might be found in a north German score of the same period.

A full account of the live performance will appear later but for now I can heartily recommend the new issue. If this is your first encounter with Jean Gilles you will of course need the other discs which can be obtained from