Debussy: String Quartet; Ravel: String Quartet


Eroica Quartet

RESONUS RES10107        54’57”

This is a familiar combination but none the less welcome. The use of gut strings throughout, though again hardly a unique occurrence, does give an extra warmth and sensitivity to the playing.

The Ravel is marked by high levels of contrast, particularly the sense of attack in the final movement set against the gentle pizzicato of the second movement. The booklet has a very useful article on the background to the work, which includes the impact of the composer himself on early recording of the work. The influence is reflect in this recording but recognises that there were times when even the composer was unsure about dynamics and tempi. Both are convincing within the context of this new disc.

The Debussy is equally appealing and I particularly enjoyed the rather languorous approach to the Andantino.

That neither work was successful when first performed may seem strange to modern ears but this recording gives us some insight into the way they sounded when originally placed before the public. BH