Young composers are invited to take part in a competition to have their music performed at one of Britain’s major English song weekends – The Ludlow English Song Weekend 30 May to 2 June 2013 – and to work with one of the country’s leading composers, Julian Philips.

As well as having their work performed during the festival, winners of the competition will receive prize money of £500 (category A) and £250 (category B). The six finalists will be invited to take part in a workshop with Julian Philips during the Ludlow English Song Weekend.

Entry to the competition is in two age groups:

19-23 (born on or after 1 January 1987)

16-18 (born 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1994)

Entries are required by 7 January 2013. Further details and entry form from

The judging panel is Julian Philips (Head of Composition, Guildhall School of Music and Drama and recently Composer in Residence and composer of community opera Knight Crew at Glyndebourne), Paul Spicer (one of Britain’ most distinguished and respected choral conductors and composers and Chairman Finzi Friends), Martin Bussey (a noted musician and educationist combining the roles of composer, singer and conductor at places that include Chetham’s School of Music & Manchester University).

The 2013 Ludlow English Song Weekend will be the fifth triennial festival, and, under the direction of artistic director Iain Burnside, is organized by the Finzi Friends who know and care passionately about the genre. As well as recitals by outstanding artists and up and coming talent, there are talks, workshops, masterclasses, and the competition for young composers is a particular high spot. Events take place in the elegant Assembly Rooms in this beautiful border town, so much at the heart of the epic poem-cycle A Shropshire Lad by AE Housman, which has inspired many composers and poets.