CDs June 2017

Stephen Farr, organs of St Edmundsbury Cathedral, St Albans Cathedral & Trinity College, Cambridge
RESONUS RES10191 (2 CDs) 69’13 & 53’49
This bumper collection of recent works by Judith Bingham is a very welcome addition to Resonus’ catalogue and should help to make these works more widely known and appreciated. The composer uses a range of starting points and influences to construct music on a variety of themes – from the liturgical (Missa brevis ‘Vidantes Stellam’) to precious stones (The Everlasting Crown– the longest work here) and botany (The Linnaeus Garden) – an organ duet. The final work included here is Tableaux Vivants for harpsichord. The scope of these works as well as the fine playing from Stephen Farr on a variety of instruments makes this a very useful and enjoyable collection.


Choir of Sydney Sussex College, Cambridge, David Skinner (director)
Jim Cooper, Laurence Carden & Stephen Farr, organists
RESONUS RES10190  72’39

This very enjoyable CD brings together a number of works by the contemporary composer Claudio Dall’ Albero in excellent performances. Two pieces were written specifically for the Sydney Sussex Choir. The organ solo Trittico di Cantabrigia was composed for this recording with each movement performed by a different organist. These works link the generations who have sung of their faith, drawing on earlier forms of music, such as the Missa ‘De Angelis’. A very good introduction the sound world of this composer.

Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, piano
CHANDOS CHAN 10942 83’26

Jean-Efflam Bavouzet gives excellent accounts of these sonatas in this latest volume in the series from Chandos. The works are Sonatas No 11, 34-36 & 43 in B flat, D, A flat, C & E flat.

Conradin Kreutzer: Septet Op62; Trio Op43
Himmelpfortgrund, Tobias Koch, fortepiano
CPO 555067-2

Not a composer who comes immediately to mind for the early part of the nineteenth century but for lovers of chamber music of the period this is a delight. Himmelpfortgrund are an original instruments group who manage to combine an authenticity of musical line to an immediacy which makes the score truly alive. There is a real sense of domestic panache to the Septet and a compelling intimacy to the Trio.

CPE Bach: Complete works for keyboard and violin
Duo Belder Kimura

The two CDs cover seven sonatas plus a Fantasia and an Arioso with Variations. If the works are all rather similar in nature, there is enough variation to keep one listening throughout, and the quality of the playing is never in doubt.

JS Bach; The Art of Fugue
Ensemble L’Arte della Fuga

I am among those who regard The Art of Fugue as one of the pinnacles of artistic creativity. Unfortunately this new recording does little to help convince the un-enlightened. The extensive notes argue that the work can never be considered for the organ (for which it has always seemed to me eminently suited) and harpsichord presentation is too limited. They argue that the combination here – violin, viola, cello, double-bass and bassoon – is the ideal ensemble to fully do justice to the composition. I beg to differ. The solo bassoon simply sounds out of place and while the strings are adequate the sudden introduction of the bassoon upsets the balance. As such the ear is drawn to the unexpected balance rather than absorbing the work itself.

Das Wohltemperierte Akkordeon
Mie Miki
BIS 2217

I have heard Bach on almost any combination of instruments (see above!) but had not previously heard him on the solo accordion. This cd draws on both books and, while convincingly played, still does not somehow quite ring true. Occasionally the sound is close to a harmonium, which I have sometimes heard in the past, but, much as I would like to encourage experimentation, this really does not convince.