Summer at the De La Warr Pavilion’ Talks and Blue Crystal Ball
Dryden Goodwin, Poised, 2012
© the artist, courtesy Film and Video Umbrella

This summer, we are presenting a full programme of Artists’ Talks associated with Everything Flows, Sean Dower:The Voyeur, Hercules and Richard Wilson’s Hang On a Minute Lads, I’ve Got A Great Idea…

If you have enjoyed the exhibitions and would like to understand more about them from the artists themselves, then make sure you book a ticket for one of these events.

Conversation Flows
A series of talks to accompany Everything Flows.
Sat 21 July
On Balance: A discussion with artists and scientists chaired by BBC Radio 4’s Quentin Cooper.
Sun 29 July
Dryden Goodwin will talk about his practice and film Poised, featured in Everything Flows.
Sun 5 August
Roderick Buchanan will talk about his practice and his work, featured in Everything Flows.
Sun 2 Sep
Matthew Cornford & David Cross will talk about their practice and their work, featured in Everything Flows.

Sat 18 August
Ian Jenkins, Senior Curator in the department of Greek and Rome at the British Museum, talks about The Greek Body Beautiful, in relation to the British Museum’s Hercules.

Sat 1 Sept
Sean Dower will give a performance on a towering platform in Gallery 2.


Sat 15 Sept
Going For Gold
Art Critic Richard Cork talks to artist and sculptor Richard Wilson followed by a screening of The Italian Job in the auditorium.

Special Weekend Exhibition : 11 & 12 August
Blue Crystal Ball: Samsung Olympic Games Media Art Collection
A London 2012 Festival Project
A collection of videos from nine international artists commissioned by the IOC
Featuring the work of Kota Ezawa, Cao Fei, susan pui san lok, Kimsooja, Torsten Lauschman,
Emily Wardill, Yeondo Jung, Hiraki Sawa and Kyungwoo Chun.
In the auditorium, Free.
Kota Ezawa, Here, There and Everywhere, 2012

Click here to see news and pictures of Honourary Patron and Principle Sponsor of Hang On A Minute Lads, I’ve Got A Great Idea… Eddie Izzard carrying the Olympic Torch past the Pavilion on 17 July.