All Saints Hastings Organ Concerts: 1


Richard Eldridge  9 July 2012

A large and appreciative audience were in attendance for the opening concert in the 24th annual season of organ concerts at All Saints Church. These concerts have a loyal local audience and also aim to attract visitors to the town during the summer. The Father Willis organ was once again to be heard in all its glory, on this occasion by former parish organist Richard Eldridge.

By his own admission Richard’s programme was rather overbalanced in favour of the loud and fast. There were some fine virtuosic performances but, for me, it was the more reflective moments that  were the most satisfying.

A slightly erratic rendition of Murrill’s Carillon was a good opener followed by Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 543. Richard seemed much more at home with Mendelssohn’s Sonata No 2 which allowed for more contrast in pace and registration, including a chance for the clarinet to speak out.  A bright and breezy performance of Stanley’s Voluntary No 8 in A minor was very pleasing and included some exposure for the beautiful choir flutes. Franck’s majestic Piece Heroique came next, allowing Richard’s knowledge of the All Saints organ a chance to come to the fore with numerous changes in registration and much excitement (if again a bit on the fast side).

After the interval the performer’s own arrangement of material from Wagner’s Mastersingers Overture and then Percy Fletcher’s well-known Festival Toccata. This was followed by perhaps the most interesting item in the programme. Anwyn by P Homes is based on Welsh mythology and Richard felt very at home with this piece full of interesting and sometimes ethereal harmonies and registration, as well as passages of excitement and rhythmic intensity. Two contrasting pieces by Lefebure-Wely brought the programme to an end – a quiet Andante and one of the two famous Sorties – this one in Eb – always a crowd pleaser but again did it have to be so fast? A much quieter performance of Shubert’s Marche Militaire was a welcome encore.

Richard engaged the audience well throughout the evening with his often humorous anecdotes and explanations despite a breakdown with the sound system.

It is to be hoped that subsequent concerts in the season are as well attended. We heard that plans for the next (Jubilee) Season are already well underway. SP

Next Monday at 7.30pm D’Arcy Trinkwon