ENO reaches a settlement with Equity

English National Opera can confirm that a deal to change ENO chorus contracts has been reached with Equity.

The settlement will see the ENO Chorus move to a nine-month contract to reflect the length of future seasons at the London Coliseum. These contracts will run from August – April (inclusive). During the months of May – July, when the company performs outside of its home venue, ENO Chorus members will be offered work on a first refusal basis. The Chorus will reduce in number for 44 members to 40 from August 2016. The new chorus pay package will come into effect from 1 August 2017.

Cressida Pollock, Chief Executive of ENO, said, “I am delighted that we have been able to reach a deal with Equity. We recognise the fundamental importance of the ENO Chorus in delivering world-class opera. We listened to the concerns of the Chorus and have reached a fair compromise that preserves the permanent ensemble, focussing on our London Coliseum season, whilst ensuring that we have the building blocks in place to increase our outside work. This settlement will contribute to the wider changes in our business model, to ensure that ENO becomes a more financially resilient organisation, able to move forward on a reduced public subsidy.”

Harry Brunjes, Chairman of ENO, commented, “On behalf of the ENO Board I would like to thank Cressida and the ENO Chorus for their hard work in reaching this compromise. We are now looking forward to the future, and to working together to ensure that our great organisation thrives for decades to come.”