BF: Castalian Quartet


 Pavilion Theatre, Brighton, 23 May

A packed lunchtime audience gave a very warm welcome to a young quartet who are rapidly making a name for themselves. Formed only two years ago, they have won prizes both nationally and internationally. It is easy to see why. Their music making is not only technically accomplished but deeply felt and convincing.

They opened with Shostakovitch’s string quartet No 11 Op 122. This was not an easy choice for a lunchtime recital, with only occasional moments of calm to offset the tension and underlying melancholy of the work. The seven movements flow easily into each other with a relentlessness which does not allow for any real break either in concentration or emotional impact.

Mendelssohn’s quartet Op44 No2 came as something of a relief even if its fierce virtuosity was almost at the same level of intensity as the Shostakovich. The second movement lightened the tone and the third was positively relaxed, with some exquisite playing from cellist Rebecca Herman.

On one of the warmest days this so far this year, it was worth spending an hour in the dark for playing of this quality. BH