D’Arcy Trinkwon concert; Worth Abbey, Thursday 31 October

From D’Arcy Trinkwon

I will give a concert organised by, and in aid of, four charities particularly associated with the Abbey, each doing wonderful things – three of them locally:

Circle Club a charity that provides friendship and a monthly lunch at Worth for elderly people in our neighbourhood
Crawley Open House provides support and services for those suffering the effects of homelessness, unemployment, loneliness, discrimination, or other forms of social exclusion.
LIFE the national pro-life charity that supports anyone facing a crisis pregnancy, pregnancy loss before or after an abortion, and strives to engage, inspire and inform the next generation.
Irundu – our friendship parish in Uganda

The charities are working extremely hard to make this a big and successful event – so need lots of BOS (that is “Bums On Seats” in laymens’ terms) to support it.

The success of this, the first evening organ concert to be held at Worth, is also of importance as – if successful enough – it will encourage and lead the way to more and other, bigger plans. So I am hoping – for the sake of organ music – to get good support. I would be very grateful if you would be kind enough to forward both this email and the attached flyer to any you think may be interested to let them know about it.

The cavernous Worth Abbey is a remarkable place to hear and experience organ music – so come and see why I genuinely say it is one of the best places in the South to do so outside only London’s most important venues. Why not try to bring some friends to – stressing the charity angle if they are dubious about organ music – because Worth is one of the best places they could get a ‘baptism of fire’ with such dramatic music, and with such a dramatic organ (you’ll be more than amazed…!).

Unlike many churches there are really comfortable seats – and wine will be available before and after the performance.

The programme will be:

WIDOR: Allegro from Symphonie No.6 in G minor, Op.42 No.2
HANDEL: Organ Concerto Op.7 No.1 in B flat
DURUFLÉ: Suite, Op.5
LISZT: Fantasia & Fugue on “Ad nos, ad salutarem undam”

Tickets £10 (under 16 free): available in advance from Worth Abbey Parish – T: 01342 710313, E:mhorton@worth.org.uk – or at the door.
Doors open 7:00, concert starts at 7:45.

– my new site!

DIRECTIONS: Worth Abbey is just five 5 minutes from the south exit 10A of the M23; or a 5-10 taxi from Three Bridges (via Victoria)