Brighton Pavilion: Keziah Thomas, Harp recital


Thursday 23 August

Over the summer Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra has been mounting a short series of early evening concerts within the opulent surroundings of Brighton Pavilion’s Music Room. Keziah Thomas’ Harp recital was apt in a large number of ways. The acoustic of the room is ideal for the orchestral harp and its somewhat florid style, both musically and visually, sits comfortably within the fire-breathing dragons and bamboos.

Most of her programme was focussed on the music which would have been heard in the Music Room during the late nineteenth century, though she opened with a delightful arrangement of dances for lute by Francisque. Faure’s more familiar Impromptu may have been written as an examination piece but its hushed glissandi and florid arpeggios support a gentle lyricism which is captivating.

John Thomas was harpist to Queen Victoria and his arrangement of Watching the wheat brought us into direct contact with the music the royal family would have heard in this room almost 150 years ago. It may be sentimental but it is certainly effective, as was the following set of variations on themes from Bellini’s Norma by Parish-Alvars. A very flashy piece, it allows the harpist to demonstrate a wide range of effects and impeccable technique.

As a contrast the final substantial item was Crossing Waves which was written for Keziah Thomas by Andy Thomas. Its three sections open with an unsettled and unsettling sense of tension and apprehension, followed by an extended cantabile for quite waters. The final section is part seas-shanty part folk dance and leads to a spirited conclusion.

Two brief pieces concluded the concert; a jazz tango and an arrangement by Hasselmann of Saint-Saens’ The Swan, which seemed to sit even more comfortably on the harp than on the cello.

Keziah Thomas had introduced all of the music with an easy rapport with her audience and remained after the concert to talk to those who wanted to know more about the instrument and its music. She will have created many new enthusiasts. BH

The final concert in the season brings Brahms’ String Sextet next Thursday 6 September at 7.00pm. Details from or 03000290902. The new Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra season opens on 21 October.