All Saints Organ Concerts, Hastings: 5 Timothy Wakerell


If I admit this was a programme of two halves all will become clear later. Tim Wakerell opened with a very impressive reading of Bach’s Fantasia and Fugue in C minor BWV537. The gradual and seamless build in registration, particularly in his use of the pedal, was entirely convincing as were his articulation and phrasing. The Sonata by CPE Bach which followed was charming though rather light-weight when compared either to his father’s work or the richer tonality of Schumann’s Op58 No3. It really was a case of a chamber work needing a chamber organ.

Tim Wakerell’s use of tone colour was again in evidence in a fluid rendition of Franck’s Prelude, Fugue and Variatio, before W T Best’s transcription of the overture to Mendelssohn’s St Paul. This literally did pull out all the stops and made a noble – and noisy – end to the first half.

So far – so very good.

The second half opened with a Passacaille from Aubertin’s First Sonata from Two Pieces for Organ. Its slow transitions and ponderous writing were not easy to follow and it was unclear when it had actually finished, passing through a number of potential concluding notes before actually stopping. It was one occasion when having the screen was a real advantage as we could see when the organist had actually stopped. It might have made more sense in the context of the whole work but seemed uneasily placed within this programme. Karg-Elert’s charming Valse Mignonne was given rather heavy-handed registration which clashed with the delicacy of the writing.

The concert ended with Max Reger’s Fantasie on Wachet aufOp52. I am glad to say that many around me obviously enjoyed this and were enthusiastic about both the work and the playing. There was certainly little to fault in the performance, the regular use of choir with swell being particularly impressive, but by this stage in the evening it all seemed rather too heavy and unfocussed. Thankfully the second part of the Fantasie is fugal, and therefore easier to follow, which helped.

There was no encore, which may have been understandable in the circumstances, but we could have done with a lollipop to send us on our way – or am I just too plebeian? BH

Next Week – Stephen Disley – 7.30pm All Saints Church, Hastings